Welcome to my Fursona art Museum!

I used twitter to store my art of Moonshine, but the problem with that is that having to scroll through my entire media tab is a pain in the ass. Instead, if you want to see my fursona, look no further than this webpage! It'll be updated whenever I get new art, and I'll do my best to credit people. keep in mind, I dont have the credits for some of these, so forgive me if they dont have any credit.

My fursona's ref sheet! This is where it all started. I remember making this on a school issued computer using notepad. I think its terrible honestly. Like, 'dont punish your past self' and all that, but look at this thing. I forgot to color the back of the feet. the coloring looks weird, the stripes on the tail is weird. I like the design, I think it looks good in future pieces, but jesus this isnt a good starting point for my introduction. Speaking of introduction, I distinctly remember making this in like, an hour? which is not enough to make a representation of yourself as an animal. I was in the fandom for like 3/4 of a year and decided to get around to making a fursona and an hour later got this. Im not very good at doing things im supposed to. If I get a good amount of money to fuck around with, I'd get a ref sheet commission (if you want a gift idea there it is lol). Credit: Piranha Petting Zoo Prodctions

this one's great. I still remember commissioning it, since it was the first head shot I ever got. Quite on point from my last one, when June came around one year, I realized I needed pride art. Hoodies was the best person I could get to do the job for me. Also, they were cheap. like, strangely cheap. this headshot cost me 20$! If you do commissions like this, do not charge that little. I tend to not use this as my pfp because its really loud, except on steam. Steams pfps are small enough where the vibrancy doesn't stick out too much. I def use it in June though, would've been a waste if I don't use it in June.

Not much to say about this one, it comes from one of those 'comment and i'll give you free art' twitter posts. I really do like it, funny art. Even funnier, at least to me, is that moonshine got drunk before I did, seeing as I can't drink yet. Also this made me realize that moonshine isnt really recognizable without color. I like his design, but he's completely generic when blank. other characters have interesting horns, or scars, or something to their fur to make them recognizable. Knowing that, I think artists got together and agreed to make Moonshines blue hair tuft bigger each time I get art of him. this is the most recent art I have, and I'll do my best to say where I got each one in relation to the other, so look out for that. I swear, it gets bigger every time, this one has it covering half his face. I think this comes from the pride art, where Hoodies style is to make the hair really big, and I use it in references a lot.

This was my first fullbody. I think? I remember this one also being free. I tend to have good luck with those, apparenty, because looking through my gallery most of these pieces were free. This ones my favorite, though. I really like the energy and fun of it. It captures the design really well. also, I think this is where the big hair tuft may have started, because Delta eccentuates it a lot here. She isn't taking commissions right now, but I want to if she does because this ones so good.

This is my only other commission, and it's worth it. Cola has a really distinct style, and it lets them do a lot of interesting things with their art. this was a pretty good priced one too, I forget what it cost exactly but I remember it being inexpensive. If they open up, dont comission them, I want a spot and they usually fill up fast with them.

this one is, by far, the most mysterious art I have. If I remember correctly, this comes from a discord account I no longer have, from a person that wouldn't give me their name because they didn't want people knowing they were a furry, from a server that no longer exists. This is the only one I won't give credit for, because I genuinely don't know who to give it to. that Aside, its a good piece. I like the style, a nice neutral expression, the way it drips. I use this as a pfp a lot because its a good neutral pfp to have. If you somehow see this and made this for me, message mean i'll give credit. Also, how did you find this? We haven't talked in 5 years.